• Assessment and Grading
  • Exams are quizzes, midterm exam,final exam, make-up exams, practice exam,make-up examination, the additionalexam and exemption exam. Exams can bewritten, oral, or both written and oral,and / or can be done in practice. Atleast one midterm exam and one final exam are made for each course in therelevant semester.  The projects, assignments, short quizzes,laboratories,workshops, application, and similar studies can be accepted as midterm exam fora lesson. The final grade is numerically evaluated over 100points. For thedetermination of the passing grade if there is a midterm exam, itseffect on thefinal grade is %40. If there are more than one midterm exam orother activities,their total effect on the final grade is not less than %40and more than %70.The total effect of the final exam can not be less than 30%in any case.

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