• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Turkish Grammar-I TDE103 FALL 3+0 C 4
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Recognizes main terms about language.
    2-Recognizes basic terms related to phonology.
    3-Classifies phones and recognizes their properties.
    4-Recognizes main phonology of Turkish.
    5-Exemplifies phone changes.
  • ActivityPercentage


    NumberTime (Hours)Total Workload (hours)
    Course Duration (Weeks x Course Hours)14342
    Classroom study (Pre-study, practice)12336
    Short-Term Exams (exam + preparation) 0000
    Midterm exams (exam + preparation)4011515
    Laboratory 0000
    Final exam (exam + preparation) 6011515
    Total Workload (hours)   108
    Total Workload (hours) / 30 (s)     3,6 ---- (4)
    ECTS Credit   4
  • Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 Identification of a language, content of a language, relationship between language and culture, written language and spoken language. R1-İntroduction R4-İntroduction R5-İntroduction
    2 Languages on the world, classification of languages, the point of Turkish among the other languages of the world, historical improvement of Turkish R1-İntroduction R4-Part-1 R5-İntroduction
    3 Phonology (terms of Phonolgy), phons of language, articulation organs, articulation, transferring a language to script signs: The Terms of Phone-letter-alphabet-ortography R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-1 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    4 Phonemes and allophones. R1-Part-1 R3-Part-1
    5 Phonemes of Turkish, phons which do not exist in written language. R1-Part-1 R3-Part-2
    6 Vowel phonemes of Turkish and features of them. R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-2 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    7 Consonant phonemes of Turkish and features of them. R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-2 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    8 Syllable: Struction of syllable, types of syllables, separation of syllable. R1-Part-1 R3-Part-1 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    9 Phonetic Features of Turkish R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-2 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    10 Phone Changes-I R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-3 R4-Part-4 R5-Part-1
    11 Phone Changes-II R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-3 R4-Part-4 R5-Part-1
    12 Phone Changes and application studies-I R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-3 R4-Part-4 R5-Part-1
    13 Phone Changes and application studies-II R1-Part-1 R2-Part-1 R3-Part-3 R4-Part-4 R5-Part-1
    14 Suprasegmental phonems in Turkish like stress, tone, melody, hold. R1-Part-1 R2-Part-2 R3-Part-4 R4-Part-3 R5-Part-1
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeliha GADDAR
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources R1. Ergin, M. (2016). Türk Dili. Bayrak Yayınları, İstanbul. R2. Coşkun, V. (2010). Türkçenin Ses Bilgisi. IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, İstanbul. R3. Demircan, Ö. (2002). Türkçenin Ses Dizimi (Sesler, Sesbirimler, Ayırıcı Özellikler, Ses Değişimleri, Vurgu, Vurgulama, Ezgi, Ezgileme). Der Yayınları, İstanbul. R4. Özkan, M. (2013). Türkçenin Ses ve Yazım Özellikleri. Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul. R5. Banguoğlu, T. (1990). Türkçenin Grameri, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.
    Supplementary Book SR1. Caferoğlu, A. (1984). Türk Dili Tarihi. Enderun Yayınları, İstanbul. SR2. Demir, N., & Yılmaz, E. (2003). Türk Dili El Kitabı. Grafiker Yayınları, Ankara. SR3. Eker, S. (2003). Çağdaş Türk Dili. Grafiker Yayınları, Ankara. SR4. Korkmaz, Z. (1992 ). Gramer Terimleri Sözlüğü. Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara. SR5. Tekin, T., & Ölmez, M., Türk Dilleri Giriş. Simurg Yayınları, İstanbul.
    Goals To teach main terms about language, the point of Turkish among the other languages of the world, to inform about history of Turkish and Turkey Turkish, to make students comprehend phonologic features & changes in Turkish Language.
    Content Identification of language, content of language, relationship between language and culture; the point of Turkish among the other languages of the world and historical improvement of Turkish, basic terms related to Phonology, T Phonology of Turkish and phone changes, suprasegmental phons of Turkish
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