• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Quaternary And Alluvial Geomorphology COG312 FALL-SPRING 2+0 E 3
    Learning Outcomes
    1-To know Quaternary environment
    2-To know Quaternary life
    3-To know alluvial morphology
  • ActivityPercentage


    NumberTime (Hours)Total Workload (hours)
    Course Duration (Weeks x Course Hours)14228
    Classroom study (Pre-study, practice)13226
    Short-Term Exams (exam + preparation) 0000
    Midterm exams (exam + preparation)011616
    Laboratory 0000
    Final exam (exam + preparation) 6012020
    Other 0000
    Total Workload (hours)   90
    Total Workload (hours) / 30 (s)     3 ---- (3)
    ECTS Credit   3
  • Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 General characteristics of the Quaternary K1
    2 Quaternary glaciations K1
    3 Quaternary sea level changes K1
    4 Quaternary tectonic K1
    5 Quaternary volcanism K1
    6 Plant and animals of the Quaternary K1
    7 Quaternary rivers K1
    8 Intermediatelar K1
    9 Quaternary lakes K1
    10 Dating methods K1
    11 Alluvial geomorphology K1
    12 Deltas and floodplains K1
    13 Geoarchaeology K1
    14 Alluvial geomorphology studies in Turkey K1
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Prof. Dr. Tevfik ERKAL
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources Kazancı, N. and Gürbüz, A. (Ed.) Kuvaterner Bilimi, Ank.Ü, 2012 Erinç, S., Jeomorfoloji I, DER yayınları, 2001. Erinç, S., Jeomorfoloji I, DER yayınları, 2001.
    Supplementary Book H. G. Reading, Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy, Blackwell, 1996. A. G. Brown, Alluvvial Geoarchaeology, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Oxon Charlton, R., Fundamentals of fluvial geomorphology, 2008. Leopold, L.B., A view of the River, Harvard University Press, 2003. Thorne, C.R., Hey, R.D., Newsson, M.D., Applied fluvial geomorphology for river engineering and management, Wiley, 2006. Rosgen, D., Applied river morphology, Elsevier Sciences, Amsterdam. 1996.
    Goals Understand the Quaternary environment, paleogeographic environment condition through the alluvial deposit
    Content Quaternary environment, alluvial deposits
  • Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Correct usage the geographical terminalogy 5
    2 Become skilfull at geographical data gathering, identification of problems, analyse, create a solution and presentation 4
    3 Effective use of geographical approaches and principles as written, visual and verbal 4
    4 Understand the interaction between human and natural factors, to sum up the spatial relation and connection 2
    5 Understand the geographical difference and variety and making comparison 2
    6 Using the information derive from different science and using the geographical information and aproaches in interdisiplinear studies, 1
    7 Share the solution of geographical ideas and problems for public welfare 2
    8 Use of the GIS to do analyses and to create geographical data 1
    9 Knowing foreing language to follow geographical literature 1
    10 Understand the tourism?s terms and principle and benefit from these as geographical perspective 1
    11 Benefit fom the information which is obtained by evaluating the geography of past with the principles of modern geography 5
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