• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Electrochemical Biosensors KİM572 FALL-SPRING 3+0 Fac./ Uni. E 6
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Defines the basic working principles of electrochemical biosensors.
    2-Explains the performance criteria of electrochemical biosensors.
    3-Explains the use of nanomaterials and conductive polymers in electrochemical biosensors.
  • ActivityPercentage


    NumberTime (Hours)Total Workload (hours)
    Course Duration (Weeks x Course Hours)14342
    Classroom study (Pre-study, practice)14684
    Short-Term Exams (exam + preparation) 0000
    Midterm exams (exam + preparation)2011515
    Laboratory 0000
    Final exam (exam + preparation) 5011515
    Total Workload (hours)   172
    Total Workload (hours) / 30 (s)     5,73 ---- (6)
    ECTS Credit   6
  • Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 Definition, structure and classification of biosensors R1-Section 1 R2-pp 3639-3644 R3-pp 1-15
    2 Advantages and application areas of biosensors R1-Section 1 R2-pp 3639-3644 R3-pp 1-15
    3 Introduction to electrochemical biosensors R4-pp 1-14 R5-pp 37555
    4 Conductometric biosensors R6-pp 205-220 R7-pp 1490-1497
    5 Potentiometric biosensors R8-pp 7-15 R9-pp 869-874
    6 Amperometric biosensors R10-pp 157-173 R11-pp 696-707
    7 Performance criteria of electrochemical biosensors R1-Section 7 R12-pp 635-659
    8 Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors R13-pp 422-428 R14-pp 167-211
    9 Use of nanomaterials in electrochemical biosensors R15-pp 421-426 R16-pp 8547-8561 R17-pp 886-898
    10 Use of conductive polymers in electrochemical biosensors R18-pp 307-312 R19-pp 8264-8277 R20-pp 2341-2353
    11 Transducers used in electrochemical biosensors R21-pp 57-64 R22-pp 92-105
    12 Preparation of electrochemical biosensors and immobilization of biomaterial R24-pp 225-238 R22-pp 651-660
    13 Recent developments in electrochemical biosensors, innovations and scientific R25-pp 113-129 R26-pp 431-468
    14 Recent developments in electrochemical biosensors, innovations and scientific discussion II R27-pp 37555 R28-pp 38-43
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Assoc. Prof.Dr. Melike BİLGİ KAMAÇ
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources R1-Eggins, R. B. 1996. Biosensors: an Introduction, Wıley&Teubner, New YorR, 212 p. R2- Malhotra, S., Verma, A., Tyagi, N., & Kumar, V. (2017). Biosensors: principle, types and applications. Int. J. Adv. Res. Innov. Ideas Educ, 3(2), 3639-3644. R3- Perumal, V., & Hashim, U. (2014). Advances in biosensors: Principle, architecture and applications. Journal of Applied Biomedicine, 12(1), 1-15. R4- Silva, T. A., Moraes, F. C., Janegitz, B. C., & Fatibello-Filho, O. (2017). Electrochemical biosensors based on nanostructured carbon black: a review. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017. R5- Kour, R., Arya, S., Young, S. J., Gupta, V., Bandhoria, P., & Khosla, A. (2020). Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167(3), 037555. R6- Lee, I., Luo, X., Huang, J., Cui, X. T., & Yun, M. (2012). Detection of cardiac biomarkers using single polyaniline nanowire-based conductometric biosensors. Biosensors, 2(2), 205-220. R7- Saiapina, O. Y., Pyeshkova, V. M., Soldatkin, O. O., Melnik, V. G., Kurç, B. A., Walcarius, A., ... & Jaffrezic-Renault, N. (2011). Conductometric enzyme biosensors based on natural zeolite clinoptilolite for urea determination. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 31(7), 1490-1497. R8- Koncki, R. (2007). Recent developments in potentiometric biosensors for biomedical analysis. Analytica chimica acta, 599(1), 7-15. R9- Ali, S. M. U., Nur, O., Willander, M., & Danielsson, B. (2010). A fast and sensitive potentiometric glucose microsensor based on glucose oxidase coated ZnO nanowires grown on a thin silver wire. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 145(2), 869-874. R10- Bollella, P., & Gorton, L. (2018). Enzyme based amperometric biosensors. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 10, 157-173.h R11- Ibadullaeva, S. Z., Appazov, N. O., Tarahovsky, Y. S., Zamyatina, E. A., Fomkina, M. G., & Kim, Y. A. (2019). Amperometric Multi-Enzyme Biosensors: Development and Application, a Short Review. Biophysics, 64(5), 696-707. R12- Thévenot, D. R., Toth, K., Durst, R. A., & Wilson, G. S. (2001). Electrochemical biosensors: recommended definitions and classification. Analytical Letters, 34(5), 635-659. R13- Yang, H. (2012). Enzyme-based ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensors. Current opinion in chemical biology, 16(3-4), 422-428. R14- Navaee, A., & Salimi, A. (2019). Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors. In Electrochemical Biosensors (pp. 167-211). Elsevier. R15- Wang, J. (2005). Nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors. Analyst, 130(4), 421-426. R16- Li, H., Liu, S., Dai, Z., Bao, J., & Yang, X. (2009). Applications of nanomaterials in electrochemical enzyme biosensors. Sensors, 9(11), 8547-8561. R17- Kurbanoglu, S., Ozkan, S. A., & Merkoci, A. (2017). Nanomaterials-based enzyme electrochemical biosensors operating through inhibition for biosensing applications. Biosensors and bioelectronics, 89, 886-898. R18- El-Said, W. A., Abdelshakour, M., Choi, J. H., & Choi, J. W. (2020). Application of Conducting Polymer Nanostructures to Electrochemical Biosensors. Molecules, 25(2), 307. R19- Aydemir, N., Malmström, J., & Travas-Sejdic, J. (2016). Conducting polymer based electrochemical biosensors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(12), 8264-8277. R20- Balint, R., Cassidy, N. J., & Cartmell, S. H. (2014). Conductive polymers: Towards a smart biomaterial for tissue engineering. Acta biomaterialia, 10(6), 2341-2353. R21- Pohanka, M., & Skládal, P. (2008). Electrochemical biosensors--principles and applications. Journal of Applied Biomedicine (De Gruyter Open), 6(2). R22- Abdulbari, H. A., & Basheer, E. A. (2017). Electrochemical biosensors: electrode development, materials, design, and fabrication. ChemBioEng Reviews, 4(2), 92-105. R23- Dsouza, S. F. (2001). Immobilization and stabilization of biomaterials for biosensor applications. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 96(1-3), 225-238. R24- Agarwal, R., & García, A. J. (2019). Surface modification of biomaterials. In Principles of Regenerative Medicine (pp. 651-660). Academic Press. R25- Maduraiveeran, G., Sasidharan, M., & Ganesan, V. (2018). Electrochemical sensor and biosensor platforms based on advanced nanomaterials for biological and biomedical applications. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 103, 113-129. R26- Rayappan, J. B. B., Nesakumar, N., Bhat, L. R., Gumpu, M. B., Babu, K. J., & Jayalatha JBB, A. (2019). Electrochemical Biosensors with Nanointerface for Food, Water Quality, and Healthcare Applications. Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering, 431-468. R27- Kour, R., Arya, S., Young, S. J., Gupta, V., Bandhoria, P., & Khosla, A. (2020). Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167(3), 037555. R28- Florea, A., Melinte, G., Simon, I., & Cristea, C. (2019). Electrochemical Biosensors as Potential Diagnostic Devices for Autoimmune Diseases. Biosensors, 9(1), 38.
    Supplementary Book -
    Goals The aim of this course is to learn the definition and structure of electrochemical biosensors, basic and working principles, application areas.
    Content Definition, structure and classification of biosensors; Advantages and application areas of biosensors; Performance criteria of electrochemical biosensors; Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors; Use of nanomaterials in electrochemical biosensors; Use of conductive polymers in electrochemical biosensors; Transducers used in electrochemical biosensors; Preparation of electrochemical biosensors and immobilization of biomaterial; Recent developments in electrochemical biosensors.
  • Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Has the necessary theoretical and applied basic knowledge within the scope of natural science. Has the knowledge to evaluate the nature, source, limits, accuracy, reliability, and validity of the information. 3
    2 Participates in interdisciplinary studies by using the basic knowledge of the field and analytical thinking ability. 4
    3 Evaluates concepts, ideas, and data in the field of chemistry with scientific methods, identify and analyze complex problems and issues, make discussions, and develop suggestions based on evidence and research. -
    4 Has the ability to design and implement experiments, use modern technical devices, collect data and analyze results in order to research and solve problems related to the field. 4
    5 Produces solutions by taking responsibility for solving unpredictable complex situations in applications in the field of chemistry. -
    6 Informs periodically the people and institutions it is responsible for while conducting studies related to its field, and expresses its findings and suggestions for solutions to emerging problems in written, oral, and, if necessary, visual presentation. -
    7 Determines the theoretical and practical deficiencies related to the field and directs the future learning processes. -
    8 Has the knowledge of a foreign language at a level to be able to access the scientific information needs from foreign sources related to the field, update knowledge, and communicate with colleagues around the world. -
    9 Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at the level required by the field and accesses scientific resources in this way. -
    10 Develops strategy, policy, and implementation plans on issues related to the field and manages the data obtained within the framework of quality processes. 3
    11 Supervises and checks the social, scientific, cultural, and ethical values at the stages of collection, interpretation, application, and announcement of the data related to the field. -
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