Ön Koşul
Ders Dili
Dersin Sorumlusu
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Nuray Çiçek Atikmen
Dersi Verenler
Ders Yardımcıları
1. Rynk, R., 1992: Sample calculation. In: R. Rynk (ed.): On-Farm Composting Handbook. Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service Cooperative Extention (NRAES-54). Riley- Robb Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA.
2. Edwards CA, Neuhauser EF,1988. Earthworms in waste and environmental management. SPB 818. Academic Publishing, The Hague
3. Edwards and Bohlen,1996. Biology and ecologyof earthworms. Third Edition, Chapman and Hall, London UK.
4. Chaoui HI, 2003. Overview of earthworm casts and a comparison with compost. Online at 2010: 793 http: // www. halachaoui.net /literatüre _review _on_ earthworms. Html
Yardımcı Kitap
1. Scheurell, S., W. Mahaffee, 2002: Compost tea: Principles and prospects for plant disease control. Compost Sci. Utiliz. 10, 313-338.
2. Hoitink, H.A.J., A.G. Stone, D.Y. Han, 1997: Suppression of plant diseases by composts. Hortscience 32, 184-187.
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