• Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Must learn the methods of both improving the basic sciences and engineering knowledge and obtaining new knowledges at a level of expertise 2
    2 Must be able to design, develop, and apply methods and experiments at advanced level to solve forestry problems, and analyses and interpret their results 5
    3 Must be able to provide solutions for the country?s forestry and environmental problems by considering global, public and ecosystem conditions 3
    4 Must be able to setup interdisciplinary approach to reach an advanced solution for forestry problems -
    5 Must be able to act in an advanced level of professional ethics and responsibility during the identification and resolution of problems encountered in forestry -
    6 Must be able to do the task in a single or multi-disciplinary working groups, and be able to show effective communication 3
    7 Must have the ability to effective use of both information technologies and a foreign language at an advanced level -
    8 Must be able to describe, foresee and solve the current problems in the fields of forestry and other related problems at advanced level brought by current global developments 5
    9 Must be able to use the tools and techniques required for forestry applications at an advanced level 4
    10 Must be able to think, interpret, analyse and synthesize forestry practices at an advanced level by using a three dimensional perspective -
    11 Must be able to research and survey any kinds of natural resources and event, and write advanced reliable reports by using the achieved findings -
    12 Must be able to understand the necessity of life-long learning at an advanced level, and to be able to use the methods that keeps obtained knowledge up date 4
    Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi  Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı  @   2017 - Webmaster