• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Learning Outcomes
    1-To be informed about the historical development of village sociology in Turkey and to be able to periodize studies
    2-To be able to evaluate methodologies in the field of village sociology in Turkey
    3-To determine the interdisciplinary nature of the studies on village in Turkey and to be able to demonstrate with examples
  • ActivityPercentage


    NumberTime (Hours)Total Workload (hours)
    Course Duration (Weeks x Course Hours)14342
    Classroom study (Pre-study, practice)14228
    Short-Term Exams (exam + preparation) 0000
    Midterm exams (exam + preparation)1513030
    Laboratory 0000
    Final exam (exam + preparation) 5013535
    Other 0000
    Total Workload (hours)   210
    Total Workload (hours) / 30 (s)     7 ---- (7)
    ECTS Credit   7
  • Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 Introduction
    2 Emergence and Development of Rural Sociology in the World
    3 Emergence and Development of RuralSociology in Turkey
    4 Bibliographies on the Emergence and Development of Rural Sociology in Turkey
    5 RuralSociology Studies in Turkey (Up to 1940)
    6 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey - 1940s: Niyazi Berkes (A Research on Ankara Peasants)
    7 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey - 1940s: Behice Boran (Social Structure Research)
    8 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey - 1950s: Mümtaz Turhan (Cultural Exchange)
    9 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey: Other Studies in the 1950s
    10 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey: 1960s (Mübeccel Kıray and Bahattin Aksit)
    11 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey- 1970`s: Özer Ozankaya (Social Structure and Political Culture in the Village)
    12 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey - Between 1980-2000
    13 Rural Sociology Studies in Turkey - After 2000
    14 general evaluation
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Asssociate. Dr. kemal DIL
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources 1- Niyazi Berkes (1942). Bazı Ankara Köyleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Ankara: Uzluk Basımevi. 2- Behice Boran (1945). Toplumsal Yapı Araştırmaları. Ankara: TTK Basımevi. 3- Wolf, Eric R. (1966). Köylüler, (çev. Abdulkerim Sönmez), Ankara: İmge Kitabevi. 4- Keyder, Ç. (1999). ?Türkiye?de Tarımda Küçük Meta Üretiminin Oluşumu?, Bilanço?98:75 Yılda Köylerden Şehirlere, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 1999, s.163-172. 5- Plank. U., (1971) Türkiye?de Köy Sosyolojisi 6- Akşit, B. (1985). Köy, Kasaba ve Kentlerde Toplumsal Değişme, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi. 7- Turhan, Mümtaz (1987) Kültür Değişmeleri, İstanbul: Marmara Ünv. İlahiyat Fakültesi yayınları. 8- Kıray, Mübeccel (2000). Ereğli: Ağır Sanayiden Önce Bir Sahil Kasabası, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
    Supplementary Book -
    Goals The aim of the course is to examine the studies on the rural areas of Turkey and to show the differences between the ways in which they are handled
    Content -
  • Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
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