Greetings, - Names, - Countries and nationalities, - Classroom language ? Numbers, - Classroom objects
Colors, - Personal items, - Jobs, - Adjectives, - Telling the time
The verb ?be? (I, you, he, she, it, we, they), - Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their),
These/those, - Plurals, - The verb ?can?, - a/an, - Who
Everyday activities, - Days of the week, - jobs, - Free-time activities, - Types of music, - Types of films,
- Technology words
Present Simple, - Prepositions of time. ? Would like to / want to, - like/love/enjoy/hate/can?t stand + v(ing),
Adverbs of frequency, - How often/once-twice, - When?
Family, - Furniture and appliances, - Rooms and parts of a house, - Prepositions of place, - Places in a town-city,
Seasons, - The weather, - Letters and e-mails
Present Progressive, - whose?, - Possessive pronouns, - There is/there are
an/an/the, - Present simple vs Present Progressive, - why / because
Containers, - Food and drink, - Food courses,- parts of the body, - Ailments, - Fitness words
Countable/uncountable nouns, - some/any/no, - how much/ how many
Much/many/a lot of/ lots of/a few/a little, - Object personal pronouns, - The verb ?should?