• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Reading the Quran and Tajwid Applications İSL116 SPRING 2+0 E 3
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Understand the appliance of different methods in the teaching of Qur`an
    2-Read Qur`an in a proper and beautiful way by using the voice beautifully and applying different tones while reading it
    3-Benefit from Hadr, Tedvir and Tahkik techniques while reading the memorized Surahs
    4-Reads properly the 25-30th parts of the Qur`an according to the instructions of Tajweed
    5-Acquaint the Qur`anic verses in the proper time and place during every kind of religious and social activity, initially Mosques and small mosques.
    Prerequisites There is no prerequisite for this course
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Öğ. Gör. Abdulhekim Ağırbaş Öğ. Gör. Yahya Arslan
    Instructors -
    Assistants Lecturers of the department
    Resources K1. Karaçam, İsmail. (2011). Kur`ân-ı Kerîm`in Nüzûlü ve Kıraati. İFAV Yayınları, İstanbul. K2. Temel, Nihat. (2009). Kıraat ve Tecvîd Istılahları. İFAV Yayınları, İstanbul. K3. Ünlü, Demirhan. (1993). Kur`an-ı Kerim`in Tecvidi. TDV Yayınları, Ankara. K4. Uygun, Hamdi. (2005). Uygulamalı Kur`an Tecvidi. Kayıhan Yayınları, İstanbul.
    Supplementary Book YK1. İbnü`l-Cezerî, Muhammed. (ts.). en-Neşr fi`l-kırââti`l-aşr. Thk. Ali Muhammed Dabbâ`. Dâru`l-kütübi`l-`ilmiyye, Beyrut. YK2. İbn Mücâhid, Ebû Bekr. (1972). Kitâbu`s-seb`a fi`l-kırâât. Thk. Şevkî Dayf. Dâru`l-meârif, Kahire. YK3. Maşalı, Mehmet Emin. (2016). Tarihi ve Temel Meseleleriyle Kıraat İlmi. Otto Yayınları, Ankara.
    Goals Making the student achieve the skills of reading Qur`an in a proper and beautiful way by using his voice beautifully and applying different tones while reading it.
    Content Reading of Qur`an. And to listen to practice routines. Tajweed explaining the rules.
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