• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Current Issues in International Law ULS511 FALL-SPRING 3+0 Fac./ Uni. E 7
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Evaluate the Problematic Areas of International Law.
    2-Discuss the definition problems of terrorism, types of terrorism and methods of struggle in terms of international law.
    3-Discuss about self-determination and separation right.
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Associate Professor S.Demirci

    1-)Doçent Dr Sadat Demirci

    Assistants -
    Resources K1. Taşdemir F, Özer A ( 2017) , Uluslararası Perspektifinden Self-Determinasyon ve Ayrılma, Hukuk yayınları, Ankara K2.Taşdemir F, Albayarak G (2018), Uluslararası İnsancıl Hukuk Kavramlar İlkeler ve Yeni Gelişmeler, Adalt yayınları, Ankara
    Supplementary Book YK1. Kedikli U ( 2013), Uluslararası Terörizm ve Devlet Sorumluluğu, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara YK2 Arıboğan, D. ( 2019), Duvar, İnkilap yayınları, İstanbul YK3 Purtaş F. ( 2019), Uluslararası İlişkilere Tarihsel Bakış, Nobel, Ankara YK4 Balta E, ( 2016), Küresel Siyasete Giriş, iletişim Yayınları İstanbul YK5 Saraçlı M (2012) Uluslararası Hukukta Güncel Sorun Alanları, Big Bang yayınları, Ankara
    Goals This course, Turkey`s international and problematic areas of study, aims to examine issues günseli in the eyes of the international law section.
    Content The problem areas of International Law will be examined. In the light of new developments, information about the concepts of armed conflict, use of force and terrorism will be explained.
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