• Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Know ideas of major philosophers and philosophical schools. 5
    2 Possess knowledge of philosophical concepts and problems. 5
    3 Develop knowledge and skills of philosophical investigation. 3
    4 Develop skills for analyzing philosophical texts. -
    5 Develop skills of testing the validity and coherence of arguments and inferences. 3
    6 Obtain oral and writing skills for identifying, developing, defending and stating philosophical problems. 2
    7 Improve lifelong learning skill. -
    8 Know great philosophical, scientific and cultural changes and developments in human history. 4
    9 Develop skill for relating philosophical problems and topics from historical and theoretical aspects. 4
    Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi  Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı  @   2017 - Webmaster