• Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Correct usage the geographical terminalogy 1
    2 Become skilfull at geographical data gathering, identification of problems, analyse, create a solution and presentation 2
    3 Effective use of geographical approaches and principles as written, visual and verbal 5
    4 Understand the interaction between human and natural factors, to sum up the spatial relation and connection 2
    5 Understand the geographical difference and variety and making comparison 4
    6 Using the information derive from different science and using the geographical information and aproaches in interdisiplinear studies, 3
    7 Share the solution of geographical ideas and problems for public welfare -
    8 Use of the GIS to do analyses and to create geographical data 4
    9 Knowing foreing language to follow geographical literature -
    10 Understand the tourism?s terms and principle and benefit from these as geographical perspective -
    11 Benefit fom the information which is obtained by evaluating the geography of past with the principles of modern geography 5
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