• Mision
  • Educate students so that they acquire relevant knowledge about forestry and related fields; develop student`s ability to solve problems using the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools; develop student`s ability to utilize his/her knowledge in designing, conducting and analyzing results for solving basic forestry related problems; develop student`s ability to effectively communicate.

  • Vision
  • To educate high quality students with the practice of silvicultural techniques, afforestation, reforestation, nursery techniques and plant genetics. Educate students so that they acquire relevant knowledge about wildlife, forest enthomology and conservation fields; develop student`s ability to solve conservation problems using the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools; develop student`s ability to utilize his/her knowledge in designing, conducting and analyzing results for solving conservation, wildlife and enthomology related problems; develop student`s ability to using growth new technologies. To educate students in ecology based subjects and to give expertise on interpretation and synthesis of forest ecosystems. This way, students who graduate from the soil science and ecology department will have competencies in planning and managing different ecosystems. Forest and range hydrology, hydrometeorology, range management, soil erosion, soil and water conservation, water quality, environmental conservation, watershed management, water resources planning. One of the base targets of these reasearch subjects is to provide to be equipped the graduate students about sustainability of the main natural resourses such as soil, vegetation and water.

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