• Mision
  • In cooperation with all our stakeholders of our times, by implementing the required methods in the field of Occupational Health and safety, the need for qualified personnel in our country`s technical environment that is sensitive to continuously renew itself who knows how to have learned how to learn, technicians and professional staff the title of people with the power of our community and implement them by satisfying the researcher can adapt to changing scientific and technological innovations innovative, responsible and proactive, ability to work within a team of entrepreneurial, social and cultural success in the field, to train a technician and professional person with a leading spirit.

  • Vision
  • To train qualified Occupational Health and Safety Technicians equipped with professional and technical knowledge and skills compatible with the technological developments needed by the business world of our country with a scientific and contemporary education level integrated with the world.

    Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi  Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı  @   2017 - Webmaster