• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Landscape Ecology PEY308 SPRING 2+0 C 3
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Evaluates ecology and landscape.
    2-Defines biotic and abiotic factors.
    3-Discusses the principles of ecosystem and landscape ecology.
    Prerequisites Yok
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Assist.Prof. Betül TÜLEK
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources R1.Odum, E.P. and Barrett, G.W. (2016). Ekolojinin temel ilkeleri, Palme Yayıncılık, ISBN: 978-9944-341-74-5 R2. Kiziroğlu, İ. (2001). Ekolojik potpuri, Takav Yayıncılık, ISBN: 975-7460-05-2 R3. Çepel, N. (1978). Orman ekolojisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, Taş Matbaası, İstanbul.
    Supplementary Book
    Goals Ecology concept is to gain the skills to use in the discipline.
    Content Definition of ecology, historical development of ecology, subject and sections of ecology, relation of ecology with other sciences, basic concepts in landscape ecology, world population dynamics and nutritional balance, ecosystem concept, hierarchy layout in biology, classification of ecosystems and distribution of large ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, classification of ecosystems and distribution of large ecosystems, marine ecosystems, elements of landscape, patch and matrix relations, the emergence of plant and animal culture forms, the evolution of natural and agricultural ecosystems, biodiversity, Habitat, habitat fragmentations, effects of fragmentad landscapes on species, ecological networks, environmental factors, time and space relationship, topography and landscape geometry, soil formation, definition of soil, soil formation, soil texture and soil structure, soil nutrients and their relations with the plant, climate, soil, plant interaction, human designed landscapes, ecological design examples are examined.
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