• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Introduction to historical science TAR117 FALL 2+0 C 4
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Discusses the definition and subject of the science of history and the social impact of historical research.
    2-Interprets the place and relationship of historical science between humanities and social sciences.
    3-Discusses its importance to the historical sciences and historians.
    4-Interprets the importance of comprehending the relationship between historical time and space.
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Dr. Ali ÇAPAR
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources S1- Ertaş. M. Y. (2019). Tarih Bilimi ve Metodolojisi. İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık. S2- Carr, E.H. (1996) Tarih Nedir?, Çev. Misket Gizem Gürtürk, 5. Bsk., İstanbul: İletişim Yay. S3- Tosh, J. (1997) Tarihin Peşinde, İstanbul, Tarih Vakfı.
    Supplementary Book -
    Goals To teach the method of history as an historical discipline and the procedures and techniques to be followed by a student of history.
    Content In the courses the description of the history as a science and its subject, the place of history among the other social and historical sciences and its relations with them will be discussed.
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