• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Internship İSG251 FALL 0+0 C 4
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during the education-training period are settled.
    2-Using the knowledge and skills at the basic level, interpret comments, evaluate, identify problems and develop solution proposals.
    3-Responsible as a group member to solve unforeseen problems encountered in applications.
    4-Business and social security law and the sector in terms of occupational health and safety law.
    5-Carry out a basic level of work on occupational health and safety independently, renew professional requirements, gain consciousness and skill.
    6-It analyzes the physical, chemical, biological and psychological and ergonomic risks in the sector and takes precautions.
    7-It performs first aid such as fire, explosion, emergency etc. Risk management and evaluation.
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Asis. Prof. Dr. Ercüment N. DİZDAR Lecturer Mehmet Ali BİBERCİ
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources 1. Dizdar, E. N., İş Güvenliği, Dilara Yayın Evi, 2003, 410 sayfa.
    2. Dizdar, E. N., İş Güvenliği, Murathan Yayınevi, 4. Baskı, 2008, 336 sayfa.
    3. Dizdar, E. N., Toplam İş Güvenliği, 2014, 2100 sayfa.
    4. Dizdar, E. N., İş Güvenliği Uzmanlığı, 2013, 320 sayfa.
    5. Dizdar, E. N., İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğine Giriş, 2010, 230 sayfa.
    6. Dizdar, E. N., İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemleri, 2010.
    7. Dizdar, E. N., Toplam Ergonomi, Karabük, 2006, 160 sayfa.
    8. Dizdar, E. N., Ergonomi, ABP Yayın Evi, 2008.
    9. Dizdar, E. N., Antropometrik Optimizasyon, Z.K.Ü., FBE, Karabük, Şubat, 2003. 330 sf.
    10. Dizdar, E. N., İş Hukuku, Dilara Yayınevi & Matbaacılık, 2004, 357 sayfa.
    11. Dizdar, E. N., İş Güvenliği Hukuku, Dilara Yayınevi & Matbaacılık, 2010, 415 sayfa.
    12. Dizdar, E. N., Kaza Sebeplendirme Yaklaşımları, Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik, 2001.
    13. Dizdar, E. N., Ünal, Ç., Kurumsal Yapının Değerlendirilmesi, ÇSGB, 2010.
    14. Dizdar, E. N., Tehlike Analiz Teknikleri, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002, 220 sayfa.
    15. Dizdar, E. N., Üretim Sistemlerinde Olası İş Kazaları İçin Bir Erken Uyarı Modeli, Gazi Üniversitesi, Endüstri Mühendisliği (Doktora Tezi), 1998.
    Supplementary Book 1. AICHE, Guidelines for Chimical Transportation Safety, Security and Risk Management, 2 nd Ed. 2008.
    2. AICHE, Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes, 2 nd Ed. 2016.
    3. BS 8800, Guide to Occupational Health and Sefety Management Systems, 1996.
    4. CCPS, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd Ed. 2008.
    5. Dikshith, T., S., S., Handbook of Chemicals and Safety, CRC Press, 2017.
    6. Frick K, W. J., Reviewing Occupational Health and Safety Management - Multiple Roots. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000.
    7. Robson L, C. J., The Effectiveness Of Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems: A Systematic Review, Institute for Work and Health, 2005.
    8. U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services, NIOSH, Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual Hazardous Jaste Site Activities, 1985, USA.
    9. ILO, Ergonomic Checkpoints, Geneva, 1996.
    10. ILO, Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Geneva: International Labour Office, 2001.
    Goals Understanding the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the institution where the internship is conducted. Coordination and communication with the internship coordinator and the Work Safety Specialist. Evaluation of business and social security of the sector in terms of law. Identification and analysis of ergonomic, physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial and anthropometric hazards. Occupational health and safety of the sector is evaluated in terms of law. Fire, explosion and emergency situations. Implementation of risk management and evaluation applications.
    Content The students who are educated in the Occupational Health and Safety Program reinforce their theoretical knowledge and laboratory skills and experiences they have gained during the education and training period and use the basic level information in the field in a practical way and apply this information personally during the 30 working days. Orientation training to institution / company. Enterprise hierarchy. Analysis of communication methods. Duties, authorities and responsibilities. Coordination with the internship coordinator and the Job Safety Specialist. Recognition and evaluation of the occupational health and safety practices of the internship. Evaluation of business and social security of the sector in terms of law. Identification and analysis of physical, chemical, biological and environmental hazards. Determination and analysis of ergonomic and anthropometric hazards. Measurement of occupational hygiene and occupational health and safety with the analysis of dangerous substances and chemicals. Statistical compilation and analysis of occupational diseases and occupational accidents data. Occupational health and safety of the sector is evaluated in terms of law. First aid practices. Occupational Health and Safety practices in building, building, construction work and high work. Fire, explosion and intervention in emergency situations. Ethical practices in working life. Risk management and evaluation applications. Completion of the writing of the internship report and presentation to him.
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