• Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 The concepts of competition between trees S1 Introduction section should be read
    2 The effect of competition in tree growth and yield S3 Introduction section should be read
    3 The usage of competition indices for modeling competitions between trees S3 Introduction section should be read
    4 The classification of competition indices S2 Section 2.2.2 should be read
    5 The distance-independent competition indices S2 Page 23-26 should be read
    6 The calculation of CCI1-6 competition indices S2 Page 23-26 should be read
    7 The distance-dependent competition indices S2 page 26-43 should be read
    8 Staebler, Hegyi, Akalp?s competition indices S2 page 26-43 should be read
    9 Liu, Alemdağ, Sun?s competition indices S5 Part 2 should be read
    10 Newnham, Opie, Pukkala?s competition indices S5 Part 2 should be read
    11 The usage of competition indices in individual tree growth models-I S1 Material method section should be read
    12 The usage of competition indices in individual tree growth models-II S1 Results section should be read
    13 The software developed for calculation of competition indices-I S1 Findings section should be read
    14 The software developed for calculation of competition indices-II S1 Findings section should be read
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