• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Sensory Analysis GMÜ604 FALL-SPRING 3+0 E 6
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Defines the importance of sensory analysis in determining food quality.
    2-Explains sensory analysis methods.
    3-Explains the rules regarding the creation of the sensory analysis environment and the selection of panelists.
    4-Executes sensory analysis tests.
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emin Burçin ÖZVURAL
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources R1. Altuğ Onoğur, T., Elmacı, Y. (2015). Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme, 2. Baskı, Sidas Medya, İzmir. R2. Lawless, H. T., Heymann, H. (2010). Sensory Evaluation of Food- Principles and Practices, Springer, New York, NY.
    Supplementary Book SR1. Stone, H., Sidel, J. L. (2004). Sensory Evaluation Practices, Third Edition, Academic Press, Redwood City, CA.
    Goals To give information about the importance of sensory analysis in determining food quality, sensory analysis methods and evaluation of analysis results.
    Content The importance of sensory analysis in food quality control, its historical development, the structure of sensory organs and their role in perception, sensory analysis environment, panelist selection, panelist training, tests used in sensory analysis, sensory analysis applications.
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