• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Seminar ZHK500 FALL-SPRING 0+0 C 6
    Learning Outcomes
    1-The student does a literature review
    2-Student evaluates possible study topics
    3-The student conducts the study subject
    4-Student does business and reports
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Asis.Prof. Dr. Banuçiçek Yücesan

    1-)Profesör Dr. Özcan Özkan

    2-)Doktor Öğretim Üyesi Banuçiçek Yücesan

    Assistants 1- Asis.Prof. Dr. Banuçiçek Yücesan
    Resources R1- Arıkan, R. (2012). Research Methods and Techniques, Ankara, Nobel Academic Publishing. R2- Institute of health sciences seminar writing guide
    Supplementary Book -
    Goals The aim of this course is to enable students to analyze, interpret, discuss and present the prepared report within the framework of scientific rules by conducting a research on a selected topic.
    Content Choosing the appropriate topic for the seminar Trying to understand the problem in order to reach a solution on a chosen issue. To search and read resources on the selected subject and to reveal the research methods and results for the solution of the problem. Monitoring the developments. To put forward suggestions for solutions. Reporting Report presentation
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