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R3. Birinci, A. (1990), Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası, Dergah yay., İstanbul.
R4. Çavdar, T. (1995), Türkiye nin Demokrasi Tarihi, 1839-1950, İmge yay., Ankara.
R5. Çavdar, T. (1996), Türkiye nin Demokrasi Tarihi, 1950-1995, İmge yay., Ankara.
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Introduction: A General Evaluation of the Course Objectives, Plan and Resources, The concept of democracy and historical origins of democracy, Constitutional Developments in the Ottoman State, National Struggle and Developments in the Single Party Period, Democratic Developments in the World Between the Two World Wars, Transition to Multi-Party Life, Democratic Party Period, Military Coups in Turkey, Constitutions in Turkey, Between 1960 and 1980 Political and Social Developments in Turkey, Basic Problems of Turkish Democracy.