• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Contemporary Islamic Movements TİB542 FALL-SPRING 3+0 E 7
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Defines contemporary Islamic movements.
    2- Explain the purpose of these currents.
    3-the emergence of religious movements in the Islamic world explain the reasons.
    4-Explains the elements of religious movements.
    5-Distinguish the differences between religious movements.
    Prerequisites There is no prerequisite for this course.
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Dr. Öğrt. Üyesi Yaşar Ünal
    Instructors -
    Assistants Lecturers of the department
    Resources R1: Coşkun, İbrahim. (2017). Günümüz Akaid ve Kelam Problemleri,Konya: Kitap Dünyası Yayınları. R2: Topaloğlu, Bekir. (2005). Kelama Giriş İstanbul: Damla Yayınevi.
    Supplementary Book SR1: Wolfson, Austryn. (2001). Kelam felsefeleri: Müslüman-Hristiyan-Yahudi kelamı. çev. Kasım Turhan. İstanbul: Kitabevi.
    Goals Contemporary political-religious movements and differences in religious understanding political, religious, socio-psychological analysis and their Muslim to reveal the positive and negative effects of societies.
    Content Definition, aim, subject and sources of contemporary Islamic movements; religion and religion relationship between flow; influential in the emergence of contemporary Islamic movements factors; contemporary Islamic movements, their conceptual, structural and religious-intellectual analysis; traditional and innovative religious movements; political, intellectual-philosophical Islamism; Salafism
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