• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Military-Politics Relations in Turkey-I TAR679 FALL 3+0 Fac./ Uni. E 7
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Evaluates the basics of military-political relations in Turkey.
    2-Collaborations with various circles for the intervention of the army explains the interventions of the army in the 19th century.
    3-Gives examples about the relations between the army and politics in the Atatürk Period (1923-1938).
    4-Examines the relations between the army and politics in the İnönü period (1938-1950).
    5-Evaluates the 1908 revolution and the 1913 Bab-ı Ali Coup and counter-coup attempts.
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Prof. Dr. İsmet ÜZEN
    Instructors -
    Assistants -
    Resources R1: Alkan, A. T. (1992). II. Meşrutiyet devrinde ordu ve siyaset, Cedit Neşriyat, Ankara, R2: Türkmen, Z., (1993). Ordu-siyaset çatışması: Osmanlı meşrutiyetinde, İrfan Yayınevi, İstanbul. R3: Özdağ, Ü. (1991). Ordu-siyaset ilişkisi: Atatürk-İnönü dönemleri, Gündoğan Yayınları, Ankara. R4: Hale, W. (1996). Türkiye`de ordu ve siyaset: 1789`dan günümüze, çev. Ahmet Fethi, Hil Yayın, İstanbul.
    Supplementary Book -
    Goals Analyzes the origins of army-politics relations in turkey, reasons and consequences.
    Content Army-nation. Examples of military intervention until the mid-19th century. Coup attempts during the constitutional monarchy II. The relationship between the Army in the National Struggle Period and the army and politics in the Atatürk Period (1923-1938).
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