Yardımcı Kitap
YK1. Brown, J. M., Glassman, P. and Henri, J. J. (2003) The Library and the Accreditation Process in Design Disciplines: best practices, Art Libraries Society of North America, 2003.
YK2. Mathews, B. (2009) Marketing Today?s Academic Library: a bold new approach to communicating with students, American Library Association.
YK3. Powe, K. B. and Plung, D. (2001) Strategic Decision Making in a Time of Information Overload, Information Outlook, 5 (11), www.sla.org/content/Shop/Information/infoonline/2001/nov01/powe.cfm.
YK4 Wagner, P. (2008) Everyday Leadership: how to increase your influence at the institutional level, Workshops, Proceedings of Art Libraries Society of North America 36th Annual Conference, Grand Hyatt Denver, Denver, Colo, Art Libraries Society of North America, www.arlisna.org/news/conferences/2008/program.pdf