• Course Information
  • Course Title Code Semester Laboratory+Practice (Hour) Pool Type ECTS
    Music Culture OSD135 FALL-SPRING 2+0 University E 3
    Learning Outcomes
    1-Explains the definitions, birth, development, functions and essentials of music.
    2-Gives information about the major music cultures in the world.
    3-Defines Turkish music and its genres.
  • ActivityPercentage


    NumberTime (Hours)Total Workload (hours)
    Course Duration (Weeks x Course Hours)14228
    Classroom study (Pre-study, practice)14228
    Short-Term Exams (exam + preparation) 0000
    Midterm exams (exam + preparation)0000
    Laboratory 0000
    Final exam (exam + preparation) 6011515
    Total Workload (hours)   81
    Total Workload (hours) / 30 (s)     2,7 ---- (3)
    ECTS Credit   3
  • Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 People, environment, sound, and music R1: Part 1
    2 Meaning and definitions of music R1: Part 1
    3 Origins and development of music R1: Part 1
    4 Human voice and instruments R1: Part 2
    5 Musical environment and human; functions of music R1: Part 2
    6 Essentials of music; music genres in the world R1: Part 3
    7 European and American music R2: Part 1
    8 East and South Asian music R2: Part 7
    9 Persian and Arab music R2: Part 2
    10 Balkan and Central Asian music R2: Part 3-4
    11 Basic features of Turkish music R2: Part 5-6
    12 Turkish classical music R2: Part 7
    13 Turkish folk music R2: Part 7
    14 Turkish religious music; other Turkish music genres R2: Part 7
    Prerequisites -
    Language of Instruction Turkish
    Responsible Prof. Dr. M. Emin Soydaş

    1-)Profesör Dr Muhammed Emin Soydaş

    Assistants -
    Resources R1. Say, A. (2010). Müzik Nedir, Nasıl Bir Sanattır? Evrensel Basım Yayın, İstanbul. R2. Müzik Kültürü Ders Notları, ÇAKÜ Müzik Bölümü, 2022.
    Supplementary Book SR1. Selanik, C. (1996). Müzik Sanatının Tarihsel Serüveni, Doruk Yayımcılık, Ankara. SR2. Uslu, R. (2006). Müzikoloji ve Kaynakları, İTÜ Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul. SR3. Uçan, A. (2000). Türk Müzik Kültürü, Müzik Ansiklopedisi Yayınları, Ankara. SR4. Turhan, S. (2000). Türk Halk Müziğinde Çeşitli Görüşler, Kültür Bakanlığı, Ankara. SR5. Mimaroğlu, İ. (1999). Müzik Tarihi, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul. SR6. Kaplan, A. (2013). Kültürel Müzikoloji, Bağlam Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
    Goals To provide general information about music and various musical traditions in the world.
    Content Definitions, development, functions and essentials of music; major music cultures in the world; Turkish music and its genres.
  • Program Learning Outcomes
  • Program Learning Outcomes Level of Contribution
    1 Develops effective and empathic communication skills -
    2 Promotes the universality of social and cultural rights -
    3 Evaluates issues with analytical and critical thinking -
    4 Establishes effective oral and written communication -
    5 Uses information technologies effectively and in accordance with ethical rules -
    6 Develops a positive attitude towards lifelong learning -
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