• Course Content
  • Week Topics Study Metarials
    1 Free time; Statements on leisure activities R1-PAGE-41-42
    2 Compliments; make compliments; talk about hobbies/skills;to ask for something; thanking each other R1-PAGE-43-44
    3 Basistraining Workbook R2-PAGE-54-59
    4 Free time; to make an appointment; make a proposal and respond to it R1-PAGE-45-46
    5 Appointments; time of day; invitation/refusal R1-PAGE-47-48
    6 Basistraining Workbook R2-PAGE-60-65
    7 Food; conversation about preferences when eating R1-PAGE-49-50
    8 Invitation to the home; talk about eating habits; conservation while eating R1-PAGE-51-52
    9 Basistraining Workbook R2-PAGE-66-71
    10 Travel; announcements; separable verbs R1-PAGE-57-58
    11 Means of transport; get information; end a phone call R1-PAGE-59-60
    12 Basistraining Workbook R2-PAGE-78-83
    13 Daily routine; Past R1-PAGE-61-64
    14 Basistraining Workbook R2-PAGE-84-89
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